
Srila Prabhupada's Books Inundate Gai...

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Srila Prabhupada's Books Inundate Gainesville, Fl At Weekend Warrior Table
by Caitanya dasi
Posted May 7, 2006

Alachua, Florida, April 27-30th, the second annual book distribution seminar was given by ISKCON's National Sankirtana Leader, Vaisesika Prabhu. This successful seminar was attended by many of the Alachua youth, as well as many old-timers. Everyone was eager to hear topics such as; Secrets for Enhancing Your Sadhana, Becoming a Goodwill Ambassador, and Gratitude-- The Most Powerful Force in the World.

The highlight of the seminar was seeing Vaisesika in action, at one of the biggest retail stores in Gainesville. In the field training was bestowed upon a few of our second generation youth, a new eager bhakta, as well as re-igniting the spark in old veteran book distributors.

One eleven year old boy, Damodar, who came out with his mother, passed out prasadam and taught shoppers to chant the Mahamantra. Shoppers left with stacks of books, smiles on their faces, and were happy to be receiving the transcendental mercy of the Lord in Shastra Deity form.

The next day, another door to door party of book distributors again inundated Gainesville-- knocking on doors and distributing many books to the literally "sleeping souls." Cookies, Sunday feast invitations and unlimited mercy was bestowed upon the inhabitants of Gainesville. Many of the devotees that went on book distribution over the weekend exclaimed," they really enjoyed going out as ISKCON's goodwill ambassadors on behalf of Srila Prabhupada." For more information on how you can book a seminar to inspire your congregation to distribute books, distribute books, distribute books; Visit: www.distributebooks.com

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