
2002 posts

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Archivo de Noticias Antiguas (Archivo)

Nombre de Usuario: Archivo

Mensaje Número: 49
Registrado: 01-2003
Enviado Viernes, 10 de Enero de 2003 - 05:59 am:   

From: Madhava Prasada devi dasi <szpigiel@m...>
Date: Tue Dec 31, 2002 11:15 am
Subject: Fwd: Re: [istagosthi] Fwd: Acerca de Srila Acaryadeva,desde Los Angeles

Isn't there an English version of this text? I would be keen to read that.

first of all.... pamho - agtSA - agtSP
and... Hare Krsna

It will be... as soon as possible

ys, MPdd

Archivo de Noticias Antiguas (Archivo)

Nombre de Usuario: Archivo

Mensaje Número: 48
Registrado: 01-2003
Enviado Viernes, 10 de Enero de 2003 - 05:57 am:   

From: "(Bhaktin) Anita Nair (Cong.Dev.Ministry, Mayapur - IN)" <anita.nair@p...>
Date: Tue Dec 31, 2002 5:09 am
Subject: Re: [istagosthi] Fwd: Acerca de Srila Acaryadeva,desde Los Angeles

Isn't there an English version of this text? I would be keen to read that.

Archivo de Noticias Antiguas (Archivo)

Nombre de Usuario: Archivo

Mensaje Número: 47
Registrado: 01-2003
Enviado Viernes, 10 de Enero de 2003 - 05:52 am:   

From: Madhava Prasada devi dasi <szpigiel@m...>
Date: Sat Dec 28, 2002 7:33 pm
Subject: Fwd: Acerca de Srila Acaryadeva,desde Los Angeles

From: premarnava das <premakf@y...>
Subject: Acerca de Srila Acaryadeva,desde Los Angeles

Martes 17, Los Angeles:

Aqui estamos, son
las 10 am y 10 devotos con la guia de madre Varesa,nos dirigimos hacia Ojai,un lugar entre los cerros muy ,muy bonito a 1hora y media de LA, donde SA esta viviendo.El dia se presento soleado,pero algunas lluvias matizan el paisaje, incluyendo un hermoso arco iris.

Llegamos a las 11 am. y SA estaba como siempre con ese humor tan extatico,nos pregunto el nombre a c/u y el mantubo el grupo muy entretenido por todo el dia.El imitaba la forma de hablar de los Arg. y Mexicanos era divertidisimo,conto tambien la historia cuando el iba a Arg. en el 74 a predicar y todos los pasatiempos de aquella epoca.Mas tarde organizamos,diferentes servicios como, la limpieza de su casa,cocinar para los devotos,ir a comprar el bhoga,c/u de los devotos hizo un servicio personal para el,hasta uno llego a cortarle el pelo.Los devotos no podian creerlo, nunca antes habian tenido asociacion personal con el.

El nos hablo de presentar al mundo, de una buena manera, la Conciencia De Krsna, como una ciencia espiritual.Como comportarnos correctamente como devotos,la proteccion y el respeto por las madres,al respecto hablo acerca de que el odio y el orgullo no solo son compatibles con la lujuria sino que se alimentan uno al otro;en cambio el respeto es incompatible con ella.

Lujuria es el concepto errado de que el cuerpo de otra alma existe para que yo pueda explotarlo y no para que esa alma sirva a Dios.Ver a otra persona,como no digna de respeto es una buena base para el desarrollo de la lujuria.

2 veces salimos a caminar con el, y por la tarde despues de tomar prasadam, dio un darshan.SA estaba muy feliz, nos trato con mucho afecto y todos los devotos lo sintieron asi.El dijo que no iba a viajar,sino que se quedara en algun lugar y los discipulos pueden ir a visitarlo.El nos contaba que mucho de sus discipulos le piden bendiciones para ir a India, a Espana,aqui y alla pero nunca viajan a visitarlo y en la cultura vedica es deber del discipulo ir al encuentro de su Guru.

Como broche de oro ,llego Radhanath Swami y fue increible verlos a los 2 discutiendo e intercambiando puntos de vista sobre las sastras y nuestra sociedad;por ultimo a la noche , cuando nos ibamos,la imagen de verlos sentaditos en los almuadones riendose como ninos y dandonos sus bendiciones es algo dificil de sacar de la mente .SA estaba muy extatico,energico, feliz en estar en compania de su familia espiritual.

Todos los devotos creeriamos que fue un sueno,salvo por los tapes que grabamos.

Hoy es 25, dia de Navidad, y otra vez vamos a visitarlo, solamente Bta Martin y yo.Hoy el dia es completamente soleado.Llegamos y el estaba caminando pero al tiempo vino, muy rapidamente me indico, lo que tenia que hacer con lo que el estaba cocinando, es maravilloso pero SA se cocina,se lava su ropa,limpia la casa hace las compras etc; por supuesto que al ir nosotros tomamos toda esa misericordia. El nos contaba diferentes cosas, el fue muy misericordioso al darnos una tan intima asociacion.Por la tarde salimos y el se apoyo en el auto con su cara al sol y no paraba de hacer chistes entre filosofia y visiones de predica. El nos conto que tubo un sueno hace poco con SP y el le decia que era un buen devoto y donde el habia ido hizo un buen trabajo y por eso ahora tenia que buscar algun lugar (muy probablemente en EEUU,eso esta pensando, hay diferentes propuestas)y servirlo ahi.

Pudimos apreciar como sus vecinos lo querian, el decia:
"voy a saludar a mis vecinos" y al rato podiamos escuchar sus risas; su energia espiritual traspasa todo tipo de condicionamientos en los demas.

Todo el tiepo nos hablo de como presentar la CK y como
tenemos que erradicar de ISCKON tantos exentrismos y superstisiones y presentarnos a la sociedad de una manera adecuada. Mas tarde tuvimos un pequeno programita donde canto muy dulcemente el Sri guru vandana y despues el recito los mantras en sanscrito de la Bgita del 3 cap. Por la noche emprendimos el regreso,pero arreglamos ir ayudarle con su mudanza del 31 donde ira a vivir a su casa de Bervelly hills en Los Angeles

Disculpen por mi incapacidad de escribir y narrrar, pero el tiempo llama y mas en una maraton de SP.Espero humildemente de todo corazon que al leer esto los inspire mas en su meditacion de Guru y Krsna.

Con profundo respeto y amor Premarnava das

Archivo de Noticias Antiguas (Archivo)

Nombre de Usuario: Archivo

Mensaje Número: 46
Registrado: 01-2003
Enviado Viernes, 10 de Enero de 2003 - 05:40 am:   

From: Madhava Prasada devi dasi <szpigiel@m...>
Date: Tue Dec 10, 2002 7:59 pm
Subject: Rendición por Srila Acaryadeva

Mas instrucciones de Srila Acaryadeva


Con respecto a la rendición debemos tratar de desarrollar la más ilusoria de todas las virtudes, la paciencia. Este es un proceso gradual y el mero hecho de que uno esté interesado en él y quisiera rendirse, incluso si uno fuese incapaz de hacerlo, es en si mismo una clase de rendición. Entonces, debemos recordar que nosotros estamos en el estadío de sadhana bhakti, en el cual sencillamente no nos "rendimos" si no que practicamos el hacer ciertas cosas que gradualmente, nos conducirán al punto de la rendición. Por supuesto, el entregarse al sadhana-bhakti podría ser también muy difícil para algunas personas pero en general, debemos hacer simplemente lo mejor que podamos. Ser tan sincero como nos sea posible, y seguir orando y cantando tanto como podamos y todo se solucionará al fin.

Traducido al español por Dhira Gauranga das, Nama hattas argentina.

Archivo de Noticias Antiguas (Archivo)

Nombre de Usuario: Archivo

Mensaje Número: 45
Registrado: 01-2003
Enviado Viernes, 10 de Enero de 2003 - 05:37 am:   

More instructions by Srila Acaryadeva....


Regarding surrender, we should try to develop that most illusive of all virtues, patience. It is a gradual process and the mere fact that you are concerned about and would like to surrender, even if you are unable to, is itself a kind of surrender. So we should remember that we are in the stage of sadhana-bhakti, in which we don't simply just "surrender", but that we practice doing certain things that will gradually bring us to the point of surrender. Of course the surrender to sadhana-bhakti may also be excruciating for some people, but in general, we should just do the best we can; be as sincere as we can; and keep praying and chanting as much as we can, and it will all work out in the end.

Archivo de Noticias Antiguas (Archivo)

Nombre de Usuario: Archivo

Mensaje Número: 44
Registrado: 01-2003
Enviado Viernes, 10 de Enero de 2003 - 05:33 am:   

From: Madhava Prasada devi dasi <szpigiel@m...>
Date: Sat Dec 7, 2002 11:54 am
Subject: Consejos e Instrucciones utiles ( por: SA)

Queridos Maharajas, Prabhus, y Prabhvis,
Por favor acepten mis humildes reverencias. Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada. Srila

Por un pedido de Srila Acaryadeva, comenzaré a enviar algunos de sus discernimientos en respuesta a varias situaciones que se presentan. Estos son extractos de correspondencia que él ha escrito, pero los nombres han sido omitidos por obvias razones. Intentaré enviar estas citas tan seguido como sea posible y espero que ustedes las encuentren inspiradoras.
Es mi deseo que esta carta los encuentre a todos plenamente ocupados en vuestro servicio a Sri Guru y Sri Gauranga!

Su aspirante a sirviente,
Divyananda dasi


Usted se refirió al tema de como podemos liberarnos de nuestra ira. Digo "nosotros" debido a que este es un tema realmente para todos. Interesantemente, estaba leyendo esta mañana justamente el Yoga sutra donde Patanjali enfatiza que cuando sea que se presenta una cualidad indeseable, como la ira, los celos, etc, debemos meditar diligentemente en la cualidad opuesta. De esta manera, cuando se presenta la ira debemos meditar en el perdón. El perdón es el arma para matar al demonio del amargo enojo.

Por otra parte, encuentro provechoso, el recordarme a mi mismo, que él rencor no es una emoción espiritual. Entonces, si estuviesemos sintiendo algún tipo de enojo, celos, autocompasión, etc, podemos meditar diligentemente en las cualidades opuestas, como Patanjali aconseja y recordar siempre que estas emociones simplemente no son emociones espirituales y que su presencia en la mente y en el corazón conduce a Krsna fuera de nuestra mente y corazón. Así como nosotros sólo podemos vivir en una casa o cuarto que se encuentra limpio y ordenado, de la misma forma Krsna solo está de acuerdo en residir (al menos en una forma manifiesta) en un ambiente limpio. Es por ello, que si estas emociones impuras se presentan en nuestra mente, entonces nuestra mente ya no se vuelve una residencia conveniente para Krsna.

Espero que estas pequeñas meditaciones sean útiles para usted.

Esperando que usted se encuentre bien.
Con mis buenos deseos.
Hridayananda das Goswami

Archivo de Noticias Antiguas (Archivo)

Nombre de Usuario: Archivo

Mensaje Número: 43
Registrado: 01-2003
Enviado Viernes, 10 de Enero de 2003 - 05:26 am:   

From: Madhava Prasada devi dasi <szpigiel@m...>
Date: Fri Dec 6, 2002 4:45 pm

Dear Devotees
Please accept my humble obeisances & All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

The next Gaur-purnima Festival will be one of the most important events ever organized in the Holy Dham of Mayapur, we expect more than 5000 devotees from abroad, for this we are posting in all the conferences and websites related to our movement, the most important information that you may require.

We are attaching 2 files to this text as well the brochure for the upcoming festival.

We hope to have your association next Gaur-purnima festival 2003 in Mayapur.

May Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu bless you all.


Tusti Mohan Krsna das.

B_and_W_bro_info.pdf (171.3 k)


Festival contacts:
Festival sponsorship, donation and Festival general informations:
Bhakti Purusottama Swami - bps@p...
Accomodation: Naru Gopal Das - naru-gopal.jps@p...
Transportation: Purananda Das - purananda.JPS@p...
Children's cultural programs: Sankalpa Devi Dasi - sankalpa@p...
Ex- Gurukuli's accommodation: Vedasara Das - vedasara.bgv-mva@p...

1. Accomodation: Mayapur Iskcon Guest House Accommodation:

Building Capacity Donation RS
Conch (All private bath)
4 beds 6 1100
SMALL: 2 beds 2 750
SUITE: 4 beds and 4 on floor 8 1300
GROUND FLOOR: 4 beds and 2 on floor 6 850

4 Beds, private bath 4 500
Vamsi Big, private bath 6 900

2 beds and 2 on floor, common bath 4 450

Vaisnava Academy
2 beds and 1 on floor, private bath 3 700

Gada Delux - 4 beds, private bath 4 550
4 beds, private bath 4 450
1 double bed, private bath 2 350
2 beds and 2 on floor, common bath 4 220

4 beds and 2 on floor, private bath 6 550
2 beds and 2 on floor, common bath 4 220

bedding on floor, common bath 4-6 250

Youth Forum
2 beds, common bath 2-4 180

Nityanda Huts
4 beds, common bath 4 120

Brahmacari Asram
5 beds, 1 on floor, common bath 6 300

For room reservation in guest house please contact:
ISKCON Guest House Manager Naru Gopal Das naru-gopal.jps@p...

Free accommodation: All free accommodations are subject to availability and prior booking with confirmation only. Accomodations will be available from 1st March to 19th march 2003.

For those devotees who cannot afford to stay in the Guest house, free accommodation will be available in the big dormitory or in Gaudiya math guest house. For all Vaisnavas there will be a big hall and for all Vaisnavis there will be a big dormitory available. Devotees interested must book in advance and are requested to bring their own sleeping bag. Lockers for putting valuables and beddings will be available on a rental basis. There will be no free accommodations available for families to stay together.

All devotees must contact us as soon as possible for confirmation of their
free accommodation. They must bring the print out of their free accommodation letter to make it convenient to the management. January 31st is the last date for booking your accommodation.

For all Ex-Gurukuli's accommodation contact Vedasara Das in Mayapur.

2. Prasad: Festival free prasad will be available to all registered devotees. Prasad will be served twice daily at the prasad hall.

3. Transportation: Roundtrip transportation from Kolkata to Mayapur can be arranged through Purananda Das. For transportation booking, please contact Purananda Das purananda.jps@p... The transportation rates are as

Trip/Vehicle Ambassador TATA Sumo Namahatta Bus Big Bus
(Rates are in Rupees) (30 Seater) (56 Seater)
Single journey
to/from Airport 900 1200 2500 3500
Up and down journey
to Airport 1100 1300 NA NA
Single Journey to/from
Kolkata or Howrah 1000 1300 3000 4000
Up and down journey
to Kolkata or Howrah 1200 1500 NA NA
Single Journey
to Krishnanagar 250 300 NA NA
Double Journey to
Krishnanagar 350 400 NA NA

4. Registration: There will be no registration fee charged this year for
the festival. As the festival costs a lot of laksmi, devotees are requested to generously contribute to make the festival a great success. All festival donors will receive a gift and their name will be placed on a festival display board. Devotees are requested to register individually on their arrival at Mayapur.

5. Sradha Samskar and Immersion of Ashes of Departed Souls: This year on March 16th, Ganga Puja Day, Srila Prabhupada will be taken to the Ganga with a big procession, where he will take a bath. A special puja to mother Ganga will also be performed and all devotees can bath in the Ganges as well.

On the same day devotees who would like to immerse the ashes of departed devotees or their relatives in the Ganges can participate in this very special program. They are requested to bring the ashes of the departed souls or they can perform a special Sradha ceremony to offer to the departed souls. Please contact Bhadra Caru Das bhadra.charu.jps@p... for details and to register your name for this.

6. Children's Cultural Programs: Similar to last year, different programs for children will be available during the festival. Various competitions will be held among the children, including the following activities:

Magic Show, variety of Krsna Art Projects, Colouring competition, Face painting, many Krsna games with prizes, Field trip to the goshala with picnic, Ox cart ride with harinama.

For detailed schedule please contact Sankalpa Devi Dasi sankalpa@p...

7. Parikrama: Navadwip Mandal parikrama will begin as of March 7th. On March 6th, all devotees will visit Yoga pith to pay homage to Lord Gauranga and to obtain His mercy for a successful parikrama.

Devotees will camp outside during the night. If anyone wants to return daily from the parikrama and then join parikrama again the next morning, there will be a daily bus service. Everyone must register in advance.
Parikrama registration fee : US$35

8. Seminar: Many sannyasis, Iskcon leaders and Gurus will give seminars on many topics during the seminar period from March 2nd to March 6th. There is no seminar fee to attend these seminars. Devotees are requested to bring their own notebook and pen.

For the sake of clarification, the Festival and MIHE Seminars are separate in that the Festival Seminars are directly under the Mayapur Festival Committee, and the MIHE Seminars are under the MIHE Administration.

For more details on the Festival seminars please go to www.mayapur.info, and for more details on the MIHE courses please go to www.mayapur.org/mihe/ The following ISKCON Gurus, Sannyasis and leaders will give festival and
MIHE seminars:
Bhaktisvarupa Damodara Swami
Bhakti Vikas Swami
B.V.V. Narasimha Swami
Danavir Goswami
Deena Bandhu Das
Gopal Krsna Goswami
Jayapataka Swami
Kavicandra Swami
Kesava Bharati Das
Lokanath Swami
Madhavendra Puri Das
Prahladananda Swami
Prabhavisnu Swami
Radha Govinda Swami
Radhanath Swami
Vijaya Prabhu and many more...

Festival seminars start from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm and MIHE seminars as follows:
9:50 am to 11:20 am, 11:30 am to 1:00 pm, 2:50 pm to 4:20 pm and 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm.

9. Detailed Festival Schedules: This is a tentative list and the final one
will be given to the devotees on their arrival to Mayapur.

March 1 Arrival of Devotees
7:00 pm Festival Inauguration Ceremony at the main pandal

March 2 Festival Seminars
6:00 am Srimad Bhagavatam Class
8:00 am Utsava Dhwaja Arohanam - Festival Flag Raising
10:00 am to 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm Seminars
6:00 pm Gaura Katha at the main stage
7:00 pm Congregational Preaching Night

March 3 Seminars
10:00 am to 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm to 6.00pm Seminars
6:00 pm to 7:00 pm Gaura Katha
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Book Distribution Awards Night

March 4 Seminars and Srila Tamal Krishna Goswami Disappearance Day
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Gurukula Night

March 5 Seminars and Global Excellency Awards
7:00 pm Global Excellency Awards Night

March 6 Seminars
4:00 pm Visiting Yoga Pith
7:00 pm Parikrama Istha Gosthi

March 7 Parikrama Leaves Mayapur
6:00 am Parikrama group will leave from main gate

March 13 Parikrama Returns to Mayapur and
Festivities Starts at Mayapur
12:00 noon Reception to Parikrama devotees at Main gate
4:00 pm Viswa Santi Maha yajna
5:00 pm Sri Sri Radha Madhava Swing Festival
7:00 pm Cultural program at the main stage

March 14 Ekadasi
6:00 am Srimad Bhagavatam Class
8:00 am Maha Hari Nam at the Big Temple site for
invoking Lord Gauranga's mercy.
5:00 pm Sri Sri Radha Madhava Boat Festival
7:00 pm Cultural program

March 15 Santipur Festival
6:00 am Leave by bus for Santipur
7:00 pm Elephant Procession

March 16 Srila Prabhupada Books Day and Ganga Puja
10:00 am Procession to Ganga followed by Ganga puja and
immersion of ashes of departed souls
5:00 pm Boat Festival
7:00 pm Cultural programs

March 17 Adhivas, Ratha Yatra,
25th Disappearance of HG Jayananda Prabhu
10:00 am Ratha Yatra
5:00 pm Sri Sri Radha Madhava Boat festival
7:00 pm Cultural programs
Many devotees, each carrying a pot, will go to Ganges along with Srila Prabhupada in a large procession. Devotees will offer Puja to Mother Ganga and each will bring a pot of Ganga water. There will be one thousand pots of Ganga water placed next to the Abhiseka platform on the day of Adivas (the day before Gaurapurnima).

March 18 Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu Sahasra Kalasha Maha Abhisheka
9:00 am Free Prasad distribution
4:00 pm Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu Sahashra Kalash Abhiseka On Gaura Purnima day, at the most auspicious moment of Lord Gauranga's appearance, devotees will perform abhiseka with Ganga water along with many other ingredients including yogurt, milk, honey, etc.

Om Tat Sat

Archivo de Noticias Antiguas (Archivo)

Nombre de Usuario: Archivo

Mensaje Número: 37
Registrado: 01-2003
Enviado Jueves, 09 de Enero de 2003 - 09:40 pm:   

From: divya dasi <divyadasi@e...>
Date: Fri Dec 6, 2002 2:04 pm
Subject: Useful instructions & advice

Dear Maharajas, Prabhus, and Prabhvis,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

At Srila Acaryadeva's request, I will begin to post some of his insights in response to various situations that arise. These are excerpts from
correspondence that he has written, but names have been omitted for obvious reasons. I will attempt to post these quotes as often as possible, and hope that you also find them inspiring.
May this find you all blissful in your service to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!

Your aspiring servant,
Divyananda dasi


You raised the issue of how we can let go of our anger. I say 'we' because this is an issue really for everyone. Interestingly, I was just reading the yoga sutras this morning where Patanjali stresses that whenever an undesirable quality arises, such as anger; jealousy; etc., we should diligently meditate upon the opposite quality. So when anger arises, we should meditate upon forgiveness. Forgiveness is the weapon to slay the demon of bitter-anger.

I also find it useful to remind myself that bitterness is not a spirituale motion. So if we are feeling a type of bitter-anger; jealousy; self-pity; etc., we can meditate diligently on the opposite qualities as Patanjali advises and also remember that these emotions are simply not spiritual emotions and that their presence in the mind and heart drives Krsna out of our mind and heart. Just as we can only live in a house or room that is clean and orderly, so Krsna only agrees to reside (in a manifest form at least) in a clean environment. So if these impure emotions come into our mind, our mind no longer becomes a suitable residence for Krsna. I hope these little meditations are helpful to you.

Hoping you are well.
With best wishes,
Hridayananda das Goswami

Archivo de Noticias Antiguas (Archivo)

Nombre de Usuario: Archivo

Mensaje Número: 33
Registrado: 01-2003
Enviado Jueves, 09 de Enero de 2003 - 05:27 pm:   

From: szpigiel@m...
Date: Tue Oct 22, 2002 4:27 pm
Subject: [istagosthi] Vyasa Puja - Final Notice

Queridos devotos,
Por favor acepten mis humildes reverencias. Todas las glorias sean para
Srila Prabhupada.

Bhagavati dd está colectando las ofrendas. (texto y fotos)
Si ustedes desean enviar las vuestras.... es su ultima oportunidad. Por
favor envienlas a :


Su sirviente,
Giridhari Das

Radhe!!! Radhe !!! <szpigiel@m...>

Archivo de Noticias Antiguas (Archivo)

Nombre de Usuario: Archivo

Mensaje Número: 32
Registrado: 01-2003
Enviado Jueves, 09 de Enero de 2003 - 05:26 pm:   

From: "GD" <gd@g...>
Date: Tue Oct 22, 2002 11:52 am
Subject: Vyasa Puja - Final Notice

Dear Devotees,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Bhagavati dd is gathering offerings (text and photos). If you wish to send yours, this is your last chance - please send it to her at:


Your servant,

Giridhari Das

Archivo de Noticias Antiguas (Archivo)

Nombre de Usuario: Archivo

Mensaje Número: 31
Registrado: 01-2003
Enviado Jueves, 09 de Enero de 2003 - 05:25 pm:   

From: szpigiel@m...
Date: Mon Oct 21, 2002 2:21 pm
Subject: Celabración del Vyasa Puja de Srila Acaryadeva

X-Sender: divyadasi@m...
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2002 11:47:49 -0700
Subject:Celabración del Vyasa Puja de Srila Acaryadeva
Reply-To: istagosthi@yahoogroups.com

Estimados Maharajas, Prabhus, y Prabhvis,

Por favor acepten mis humildes reverencias.Todas las glorias a Srila
Prabhupada y a sus dedicados seguidores!

Srila Acaryadeva ha concedido la celebración de su Vyasa-puja de este año.
Aunque el aviso es de último momento y la celebración no será muy
elaborada, tampoco será tan sencilla...., deseamos extender esta invitación
todos los bienquerientes de Srila Acaryadeva y a los discípulos a quienes
les gustaría asistir a la celebración. Tendrá lugar el sábado, 9 de
Noviembre, el día después de su Vyasa-puja real y tendrá lugar en el sur
de California. Por favor escribanme, si piensan asistir y seré feliz al
proporcionarles mayores detalles.

Oro para que todos ustedes se encuentren bien, dichosos en su servicio a
Sri Guru y Sri Gauranga !

Su aspirante a sirviente,
Divyananda devi dasi
Santa Barbara, California

Archivo de Noticias Antiguas (Archivo)

Nombre de Usuario: Archivo

Mensaje Número: 30
Registrado: 01-2003
Enviado Jueves, 09 de Enero de 2003 - 05:23 pm:   

From: "Amy Franco" <anandabd@h...>
Date: Sun Oct 20, 2002 10:33 pm
Subject: Re: [istagosthi] Srila Acaryadeva's Vyasa-puja Celebration

Dear Divyananda,
Hare Krsna. Please accept my obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Thank you for the information regarding Srila Acaryadeva's Vyasa-puja
celebration. I will be attending and would like any other information
available. Is there anything Srila Acaryadeva needs that I can get him for his birthday? Thank you.

Your servant,
Ananda-bhakti dd

Archivo de Noticias Antiguas (Archivo)

Nombre de Usuario: Archivo

Mensaje Número: 29
Registrado: 01-2003
Enviado Jueves, 09 de Enero de 2003 - 04:53 pm:   

From: divyadasi <divyadasi@m...>
Date: Sun Oct 20, 2002 1:47 pm
Subject: Srila Acaryadeva's Vyasa-puja Celebration

Dear Maharajas, Prabhus, and Prabhvis,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and his
dedicated followers!

Srila Acaryadeva has conceded to a Vyasa-puja celebration this year.
Although the notice is last minute and the celebration will not be an
elaborate one, none-the-less, we would like to extend an invitation to Srila
Acaryadeva's well-wishers and disciples who would like to attend the
celebration. It will take place on Saturday, November 9th, the day after
his actual Vyasa-puja and will be held in Southern California. Please
write to me if you think you are able to attend and I will be happy to fill
you in on the details.

I pray this finds you all blissful in your service to Sri Guru and Sri

Your aspiring servant,
Divyananda devi dasi
Santa Barbara, California

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Enviado Jueves, 09 de Enero de 2003 - 04:50 pm:   

From: "mari cunha" <maharama@h...>
Date: Thu Sep 26, 2002 12:27 pm
Subject: Re: [istagosthi] Vyasa Puja

Madhava Prasada d.d.: eso de el vyasapuja que me enviaste es para escribir
la ofrenda?, porque no entiendo mucho ingles. Gracias por tu respuesta. Una
insignificante sirviente Maharama d.d.

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Enviado Jueves, 09 de Enero de 2003 - 04:39 pm:   

From: szpigiel@m...
Date: Wed Sep 25, 2002 3:36 pm
Subject: Re: [istagosthi] Vyasa Puja

Dearest devotees, pamho agtsa agtsp

Giridhari prabhu said YES !!!!!
SA will have a nice book in internet next VP !

ys, MPdd

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Enviado Jueves, 09 de Enero de 2003 - 04:36 pm:   

From: "Narendra dasa" <narendra@i...>
Date: Wed Sep 25, 2002 12:53 pm
Subject: Re: [istagosthi] Vyasa Puja

Dear Devotees:

If you sen me the final book I can convert it to Adobe Acrobat Format to can be distributable over internet.

Narendra dasa

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Enviado Jueves, 09 de Enero de 2003 - 04:33 pm:   

From: SresthaDasi@a...
Date: Tue Sep 24, 2002 9:14 am
Subject: Re: [istagosthi] Vyasa Puja

Where will He be celebrating His Vyasa Puja?

Srestha dd

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Enviado Jueves, 09 de Enero de 2003 - 04:32 pm:   

From: "GD" <gd@g...>
Date: Tue Sep 24, 2002 7:42 am
Subject: Vyasa Puja

Dear Devotees,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Srila Acharaydeva's Vyasa Puja will be on November 9th. Bhagavati dd will be gathering offerings (text and photos). If you wish to send yours, please send it to her at:

or by letter: Estrada do Rio Morto, 197 - bloco 10 - casa 107 - Recreio - 22783.210 - RJ/RJ - Brazil.

Does anyone have suggestions as to how to present this to SA?

Your servant,

Giridhari Das

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Enviado Jueves, 09 de Enero de 2003 - 04:30 pm:   

From: "Mishra, Mira" <mira.mishra@m...>
Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 9:22 am
Subject: response to Udayananda dasa

Radhe Radhe All:

Thank you for an excellent, heart-felt letter in appreciation of your

I have read Hridayananda Swamiji's articles and translations and he is an
exalted being.

Best Wishes,

Mira Mishra

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Enviado Jueves, 09 de Enero de 2003 - 04:28 pm:   

From: divyadasi <divyadasi@m...>
Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 12:42 am
Subject: FW: obeisances to you

Haribol Spirit Souls!
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Below is a very nice letter that was recently written to Srila Acaryadeva with some nice stories from the 70's. Hope you enjoy them....
Your aspiring servant,
Divyananda dasi

Dear Hrdayananda Goswami Maharaja,

This is Udayananda dasa writing to you. There is many things I want to say to you, and wanted to say to you after your recent visit and preaching engagements here.... Many thoughts have gone through my head since then about you, so I thought I would sit down and write you an email and share some of those thoughts with you.

First of all I would like to thank you for all the service you have performed for Srila Prabhupada over the years. You have personally impacted me in my own dedication and commitment to His Loving Divine Grace. The first time we met was back in 1973. I rode with you in a van to Oakland University outside of Detroit, Michigan. We were on our way to a debate with a Professor Bharati, a rogue that had insulted Srila Prabhupada and criticized Prabhupada's disciples for not understanding Vedic philosophy. I remember how intense you were chanting japa as we rode, speaking occasionally about the urgency to assist Srila Prabhupada in preaching vigorously against nirvisesa sunyavadi, voidism and impersonalism, then back to your chanting. The eye of the Tiger look was in your face.

We arrived at the debate with 30 devotees and over 100 students. Since I was from the Detroit area several of my friends actually attended Oakland University and went to the debate. The kirtan before the program was electric and I remember feeling so proud that I was a devotee. Then you systematically dismantled this rascal spinning him in circles and tripping him with his own pathetic illogical reasonning. The knockout punch came when out of sheer frustration and a lack of anything else intelligible to say Mr. Bharati started howling, "YOU'RE A PHONY HRDAYANANDA, YOU'RE A PHONY HRDAYANANDA!!!!!!!......"

You quickly and in a very contained tone replied," Please try to control your senses Professor Bharati."

The entire audience exploded with laughter and applause. The rest was a closing mop up and inspiring finish for both devotees and audience. I was so inspired that I sold 12 Bhagavad-Gitas in the next 30 minutes and collected over $100.00. My non-devotee friends were not only impressed but inspired to each purchase a Gita.

On the way home you were exhilarated. I compared you to Mohammed Ali crushing George Foreman in the "Rumble in the Jungle". You were so energized that you were ready to take on all the Mayavadis and Bogus Yogis in the world. We went back to the temple and the most important event of the entire sojurn of my material existance took place, you performed a agni-hotra yajna and I was initiated Udayananda dasa.

Later on I became the sankirtan leader in Detroit for several years and of course a book distributor myself. One day I was distributing books in an Ann Arbor shopping Mall. I was in karmi clothes and I was wearing a wig. I was having a particularly tough day and I was not getting alot of positive responses. I had been nipped at this location many times so I was running around the parking lot looking for sincere people with one eye, and with the other eye watching out for the security guards. All of sudden I looked up at the Mall sidewalk and saw this glowing saffron sadhu. At first I was certain that it was Narada Muni but to my equal delight it turned out to be His Holiness Hrdayananda Maharaja chanting his japa! I went up to the sidewalk and offered my obeisances to you.You were so surprised that this karmi guy was offering you obeisances you stopped your chanting and looked down on me. Then you saw my neck beads and realized that I was a devotee and this big grin spread over your face and you said, "Just see, our devotees even make the best karmis!"

We then had a very enlivening conversation and you stressed to me the importance of book distribution. I remembered the grey Autumn day and looking at the conditioned souls chasing after their sense gratification like moths into the flame. You preached, "Atato brahmaji jnasa". This human life is meant for self-realisation. Again I was inspired and ended up distributing 30 big books that day by your preaching.

Later in Nov.1977, I had the great good fortune to be in Vrndavana. Srila Prabhupada had just left back to Krsna, and there was a large progam arranged where many of Srila Prabhupada's Godbrothers offered condolences for His departure and some words of praise. Most of their talks were in Hindi or Bengali and so I couldn't fully appreciate what they were saying. Then Tirtha Maharaja spoke in English. It was a very disturbing talk. Without going into the details, he basically minimized Srila Prabhupada and gave all credit to Srila Bhaktisiddhanta. I remember looking around at all my Godbrothers and everyone feeling disturbed at was being said. Afterwards I was standing next to Satswarupa Maharaja and you walked up with a grim look on your face. I had just asked Satswarupa Maharaja what I should be thinking of this talk. Maharaja who was also bothered by it could not give me a satisfactory response to my inquiry. Then you came up, and like Tiger Woods teeing up his driver on the first tee of the U.S. Open, layed into it. You cut to the chase. "Not only was the entire talk bogus and filled with insult with faint praise, but wouldn't it be terrible if we spent the next 50 years of our lives and never did any significant preaching or service to our Spiritual Master."

It was the perfect thing to say at a very troubling time of my life, and I thank you.

In conclusion to this letter, I just wanted to thank you for all the encouragement you have given me over the past 30 years, knowingly or unknowningly. You've given so much encouragement to so many people and it recently dawned on me that maybe most of them, like myself, never stopped to tell you thanks and maybe give you a little encouragement as well. I also did 2 years of service on the Radha Damodara SKP. I also have some wonderful memories of His Holiness Tamal Krsna Goswami. However, I will never in this life, ever get to tell him thank you for all the ways he touched my life. I didn't want that to happen to us. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you.

Your servant,
Udayananda dasa

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Enviado Jueves, 09 de Enero de 2003 - 04:25 pm:   

From: "Narendra dasa" <narendra@i...>
Date: Tue Aug 13, 2002 11:29 am
Subject: Re: [istagosthi] (unknown)

Dear Bhakti Pupa dd:

Here you can find some SA's bhajans and japa chanting too

I hope you will enjoin the songs, you will need the Real Player or Real One
Player installed http://www.real.com

Narendra dasa

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Enviado Jueves, 09 de Enero de 2003 - 04:23 pm:   

From: flora <flora@s...>
Date: Thu Aug 1, 2002 2:08 am

Dear friends and devotees, Hare Krishna! All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Srila Acharyadeva! Please send me some news about my dear
Guru His Hiliness Hrdayananda Das Gosvami Maharaj. I miss Him here in Russia

N. Novgorod city very. I will be happy to receive a texts some lectures
of Maharaj If it possibly.

Say me please where I can read a new Maharaja's writing works or
some other thoughts.

My special thanks to Giridhari Das

Your servant
Bhakti Pushpa Devi Dasi

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Enviado Jueves, 09 de Enero de 2003 - 04:16 pm:   

From: Madhava Prasada dd <szpigiel@m...>
Date: Thu Jun 6, 2002 1:12 am
Subject: Ultimas noticias sobre SA

Queridos Miembros del HDG Istagosthi por favor acepten mis humildes reverencias
Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! Todas las Glorias a Srila Acaryadeva!

Bienvenidos al Nuevo HDG Istagosthi

Recientemente pasé algun tiempo con Srila Acharyadeva, por eso pensé que podría compartir algunos bocadillos con ustedes.

Srila Acharyadeva está muy delgado, ya que sigue una dieta estricta completamente natural y orgánica. El volvió al peso que tenía cuando iba al colegio secundario de 145 libras (unos 73 kilos aproximadamente)

Su primer libro se encuentra muy avanzado y él cree que podría quedar listo en un poco menos de tres meses.
A partir de las breves descripciones que él nos dio parece bastante asombroso, incluyendo estilos de romance, aventura y crimen entrelazados con una versión occidental de la historia de Dhruva y Filosofía general sobre Conciencia de Krsna.

Realmente, tuvimos una hermosa celebración del 30 Aniversario de sannyasa de SA en el dia de la aparición del Señor Nrsimhadeva en casa de Jagarini DD.
Acharyadeva nos brindó un excitante darshan y luego disfrutamos de una deliciosa fiesta. (Jagarini DD, para todos aquellos que no la conocen es una excelente cocinera y una maravillosa anfitriona).

SA por otra parte, está dedicando parte de su tiempo a explicar la Verdad detrás del término "védico" y la necesidad de que ISKCON regrese a las bases de nuestra ciencia espiritual, excluyendo parte del innecesario bagaje cultural no-Conciencia de Krsna que hemos adquirido. El cree que esto nos otorgará una mucho mejor chance de expandir nuestro mensaje y de convertirnos en la respetada Sociedad que Srila Prabhupada previó.

Su sirviente,
Giridhari Das

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Enviado Jueves, 09 de Enero de 2003 - 04:13 pm:   

From: "GD" <gd@g...>
Date: Wed Jun 5, 2002 4:47 pm
Subject: Latest on SA

Dear Members of the HDG Istagosthi,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Srila Acharyadeva!

Welcome to the new HDG Istagosthi.

I just spent some time with Srila Acharyadeva, so I thought I could share some tidbits.

Acharyadeva is very fit, following a strict all natural/organic diet. He’s back to his High School weight of 145 Lbs.

His first book is very well advanced and he believes could be ready in as little as 3 months. From the brief descriptions he gave us, it sounds pretty amazing, involving romance, adventure and crime all interwoven with a western audience version of the Dhruva story and general KC philosophy.

We had a really nice 30th sannyasa anniversary celebration, on Nrsimhadeva’s appearance day, at the house of Jagarini DD. Acharyadeva gave us an exciting darshan and later we had a delicious feast (Jagarini DD, for those of you who don’t know, is an excellent cook and a wonderful host).

He’s also dedicating some of his time to explaining the truth behind the term “vedic” and the need for ISKCON to get back to the basics of our spiritual science, shedding some of the unnecessary non-KC cultural baggage we have taken on board. He believes this will give us a much better chance at getting our message across and making us the respected society Prabhupada envisioned.

Your servant,
Giridhari Das

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